HEALING - Intro Evening
Empower your
Intuitive nature by awakening these gifts.
Learn how to open,
energize and heal with a mini life energy tune-up.
Understand how to
support others in their personal healing journeys. |
- Would you like to...
Connect with guides
and Angels for healing support?
Discover how to
balance chakras (energy
Find and feel peoples auric energy
Learn simple grounding
and balancing techniques?
Discover basics of
Co-Creative healing possibilities?
- During this evening you will get a taste of how we
may profoundly
empower our Intuitive natures by learning a few tools to awaken these abilities. Everyone possesses these gifts and
may learn to utilize them on a daily basis. Understand the connection
we have with the Angel Kingdom and their role in
supporting our spiritual journeys and healing.
- An unveiling
of the incredible healing opportunities available to one in the
journey as a Co-Creator with the Divine. Imagine the
possibilities if you learned to find, see and feel dis-ease, physically, emotionally or spiritually held
within someone's body and were able to support them in co-creatively
removing that energy. The art and practice of
Co-Creative Healing is introduced and explored.
- An experiential evening filled with valuable
resources and Inspiration to further develop one's intuition and inherent
healing gifts.
is a Medical Intuitive with Clairvoyant, Clairaudient,
Clairsentient gifts. A trained Healer, Workshop Facilitator & Practitioner,
Intuitive Masseuse, Artist, Designer, Spiritual Counselor & Life Coach.
Diana has consciously connected with her personal
guides and Angels in the etheric realms since early childhood empowering others
in awakening their abilities to do the same. More
about Diana
- Facilitator
$20 with advance RSVP ~ $25 at Door
7pm - 9:30pm. - TBA
Fall/Winter 2013
Light appetizers & refreshments
Intuition & Co-Creative Healing
Utilizing our
Sixth Sense & Inherent Natures
Crystals, Crystal Wands & Pendulum Kits available
to purchase
Related Intro Evening Events
- Practical and basic how to
for personal guidance, wisdom, healing
Crystal Healing
with Gems & Elixir Remedies -Understanding
the powerful assistance of Gems & Elixir Remedies
Angels & Spirit Guides
- Who are they and how can I work with them?
Suggested Workshops for more
Intuitive Healing practice...
1 Day Workshop $122
Fall/Winter 2013
9am-6pm Bring Pot Luck lunch
Early Bird pay
1 month prior ~ only $99
Workshop includes workbook.
Crystals, Crystal Wands & Pendulum Kits available
to purchase
CO-CREATIVE HEALING #1 Weekend Workshop
Practice & Theory
Saturday, Sunday
Fall/Winter 2013
9am-6pm Bring Pot Luck lunch
Early Bird pay
1 month prior ~ only $233
Workshop Includes Workbook.
Crystals, Crystal Healing Wands, Pendulums available
to purchase.
HEALING #2 - 1 Day Workshop $144
Applied Therapy
Fall/Winter 2013
9am-6pm Bring Pot Luck lunch
Early Bird pay
1 month prior ~ only $122
Workshop Includes Workbook.
Crystals, Crystal Healing Wands, Pendulums available
to purchase.
(Although CCH #1 is not a
pre-requisite to CCH # 2, prior energy healing experience is
helpful to facilitate learning transition. Call for
more info)
- Location:
Central Vancouver, BC
Group Discount Specials
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